The product created in this project is an Engineering Teaching Kit (ETK) based on solar energy and battery storage.
The purpose of the kit is to fill a gap in the electronics market for educational kits. The ETK aims to educate its users on renewable energy, solar PV, battery storage, microcontroller programming and electronic components. The goal is to assist in training the next generation of engineers and motivate others into perusing renewable energy as a hobby or career.
The ETK will need to be constructed by the user, allowing them to gain vital hands-on experience. Once constructed, the kit will generate power from the solar panel and charge NiMH batteries. The battery is used to power the microcontroller, of which the PWM-based charging program is coded by the user.
This project involved;
- Electronics
- Solar Power
- Battery Storage
- Arduino
- C++ Programming
- MOSFET Switching
- PCB Design
- Schematic Design