My YouTube Channel

My YouTube Channel I started a YouTube channel in my first year on university to document my studies and projects. The channel has 250+ videos and 2500+ subscribers, amassing over 200,000 views. The theme of the channel is DIY electronics. « Prev1 / 31Next »« Prev1 / 31Next »

Police Strobe Light Electronics Kit

For this project I used a police strobe light electronics kit from AliExpress. The kit uses a 555 timer and a decade counter to create pulses that control the voltage between the red & blue LEDs. The kit didn’t work when initially soldered as there was a fundamental problem with the circuit, whereby the 9V…


The PiMac

I purchased a broken Apple iMac from 2006. I then purchased a replacement screen, removed the non-functional electronics, and installed a Raspberry Pi 4. After installing the ‘iRaspbian’ OS, which resembles typical Apple OS, the PiMac was born. This project involved the following skills; Electronic Hardware Raspberry Pi Linux Software The PiMac – Upgraded I…